Thursday, August 22, 2013


Part 1: Get Your Life Back Together

  1. 1
    Get your life back on track. So you've been in a relationship for some time, and maybe your girlfriend has just broken it off. It's a sad and lonely time for you right now, but focus on the things you can change about yourself before you move back on to her.

    • Girls want to see self-improvement from guys. Maybe your girlfriend complained about something you did while you two were in your relationship. Maybe there's something that you know you can improve simply because it will make you a better person. Well, now's the time to strike. Cut your video game playing down to a reasonable time, if that's what she wants, or start wearing cleaner clothes when you're around her. If you focus on being a better person while apart, you can go back to her with the "evidence" that you're a new guy.
    • Recover emotionally. You don't stand a chance of getting your ex back if you're not emotionally calm and controlled. Women dislike needy, clingydesperate men - so you need to pull your own life together before attempting to draw her back into it. Like it or not, showing her that you can deal with life on your own will attract her back to you. That's because girls like men who are self-sufficient and independent. So go out to the gym, visit the movies with friends, or start an adventure. If you're having a great time, she'll want to be there with you.
    • Get some new clothes. New times call for new duds. It's a subtle change in you, but the importance will be clear to her: your new outer shell will signal deeper changes underneath. Get that new shirt that you've been wanting to buy, or those new pair of jeans. Looking sharp is an important aspect of physical attraction, and if she sees you looking great in unfamiliar clothes, she'll sense that there's been forward movement, if not wholesale change.
  2. 2
    Get the right attitude. Getting your ex-girlfriend back starts with finding the right attitude. Girls, for the most part, want to see mature, independent guys who like to have fun and know what they're good at. We know that's a lot to work, so start small if you're feeling overwhelmed.
    • Stop being jealous. Being jealous will get you nowhere. Jealousy is associated with fear and anxiety, two unattractive traits to have. Plus, what you're non-verbally telling her is that you want to control her. No one wants to be controlled. So learn to fight your jealousy if you can, and focus on being non-threatening. You'll get more bees with honey than you will with vinegar.
    • Act like nothing is wrong. Even if your guts are tumbling like clothes in a washing machine, try not to let her know. She's probably not going to want you back if you're acting depressed, mopey, or sulky. Make sure you're laughing and genuinely trying to have a good time. You might find that you've become a happier person along the way. If you are feeling depressed, surround yourself with friends or family. Don't wait alone in a corner and just hope for her to come back to you.
    • Develop a playful sense of humor. What do girls say they look for most in guys? A sense of humor and a playful attitude.[1] These two traits are attractive because they tell other people that we're youthful and not aggressive. So learn a few jokes if you can (friends are always good to try them out on) and keep the ones that work and throw away the ones that don't. Learn to make fun of yourself a little, in a confident way — not a mopey way. And, for goodness sake, be playful, especially when you're around her. Tease her lovingly, or play a small prank on a friend. You'll notice the difference in her.

Part 2: Set The Stage

  1. 1
    Leave her alone. At least for a little while, give her some time to think about the relationship. If you had a great relationship, she'll think about all the good things that you did for her and feel the absence of you in her life.

    • Cut off all communication. Maybe you don't talk to her for a couple weeks, or perhaps a month. This is tough and it will hurt, but really it's killing her more. This will also let your tempers cool down if things were heating right when you broke up.
    • You need to give her space for three reasons: 1) People simply need space; if you can't give her any space, maybe that's something you can work on to show her that you've changed. 2) She'll get an opportunity to realize how good you are; not that she doesn't know this already, but she may not feel it in her bones. 3) You'll show her how independent you are on your own; the "rebel" is so attractive to women because he's totally on his own and doesn't need other people.
  2. 2
    Start talking to another girl. Don't do anything with her, but strike up a friendship. You want to raise your own stock by showing her that other girls like you and are attracted to you.

    • Don't get this step confused with pursuing another girl. You want to hang out and talk, do fun things together, but not hook up. If you hook up with another girl, your chances of getting back together with your ex are greatly diminished.
    • Go out with a group of girls. Show your ex that attentive girls like being around you. These girls will be your wing-women. If you can pull together a big group of popular, intelligent, smart girls, chances are your ex is going to feel more interested, maybe without even noticing it.
  3. 3
    Tap your inner alpha male. The alpha male, in nature, is the male in a group of primates that has the highest rank, and gets his pick of the females.
    • Most girls are attracted to the alpha male for deep biological reasons: They believe he can provide for them better, protect them better, and give her biologically fit children. Even if you don't think that alpha males are your ex's type, subtle changes might work on her: pump out your chest a bit, make an effort to work out your armsand thighs, and project strength.

Part 3: Make The Move

  1. 1
    Give her an apology. Whether you broke up with her, or she broke up with you, an apology is almost always in order. An apology shows her that you're capable of swallowing your ego, and that you care enough to tell her you were wrong. If done correctly, an apology will work wonders.

    • Send her flowers. Girls love flowers, for reasons men still don't know. They die after a week, and they just sit around gathering dust. Well, odds are your ex probably loves them, because they smell pretty and look good and she gets to show them to her friend and brag about how much someone cares for her. You want to be that someone.
    • Send her a letter. Girls also love letters, because they take a lot of time and you have to express your feelings. Start off by saying something like: "I know this letter doesn't fix what's broken between us, and maybe it never will. But I want you to know that I care deeply about you, and I always will. That part has never changed. The part that's changed is that I realize how stupid I was to let you go."
    • Tell her in person. Set a time to meet in a public place, or a place that you know she'll feel comfortable in. When the time is right, say: "I know I made some mistakes during our relationship, and I wanted to take full responsibility for those. I shouldn't have done [whatever it is you did] to you, and I feel horrible now. But the biggest mistake I made was losing you. I don't expect anything from you, I just want you to know that."
  2. 2
    Slowly work up to friendship. Maybe some trust was broken in your relationship, and now it's time for you to start repairing it. Trust for girls is a big thing. You want to show her that she can trust you again, that you are worthy of her trust.
    • Do something nice for her without expecting her to pay you back. If she's studying late for an exam, pop by with her favorite tea or coffee and let her know that you know she's going to kill it tomorrow. If one of her friends gets in an accident, stop by and pay your respects (the friend will definitely let your ex know you stopped by). If your ex mentions she wanted to see a movie, buy her two tickets for her and her friend to see, and don't butt in. Your time will come soon.
    • Go out for coffee or tea together. Ride your bikes into town. Hang out at the pool. Have conversations about things both of you find funny, or like talking about. Remember to act confident, be funny, and get that playfulness out so that she can see it.
  3. 3
    Tell her you still have feelings for her. Once you've apologized and become her friend again, you can finally tell her you want her back. Try to pick a romantic spot to do this, and try to tell her when it's just you two. It won't hurt if you're looking your best.
    • Be honest about how you feel, within reason. Don't tell her what she might have done wrong in the relationship. Instead, focus on you. Let her know that you've thought a lot about where things went wrong, and show her all the ways in which you've changed. Tell her how you've become more patient, more forgiving, more aware of your own shortcomings, and be sure to back it up with action. If you say you've become more forgiving, be able to show her that you're not as quick to point out other peoples' faults.
    • You can say something like: "After we broke up, I realized I was looking for love in the wrong places. I realized that you gave me exactly what I need, and it's really a shame that I had to realize that after we broke up. But I realize it now, and I'd be stupid not to try to get you back, because you're exactly what I need."
    • Or you can say something like: "You may not like it, but most of what I do now, I do it for you. You've made a better person. I understand what it means to care for someone now that I've been with you. I want to share that with you again, this time better. Because I can't deny that I still have feelings for you. I'd be lying to myself and lying to the world."
    • Assure her that you both can fix the issues that led to your breakup. Remember why you guys broke up in the first place, so you can learn from your own mistakes. Have a plan ready, and discuss that plan with her. It's no use in getting back together if you go through the same issues all over again. If you didn't listen to her feelings enough, be sure that you're listening when you tell her you like her. If you didn't get along with her friends, make an extra effort to get along with them. Have a plan to attack what's likely to go wrong, and you'll impress the socks off of her.
    • SOURCE :

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cara Membuat Blog

Dari banyaknya yang memiliki blog, mungkin anda pun juga ingin memiliki sebuah blog agar bisa menyalurkan tulisan yang anda buat sehingga bisa dilihat oleh orang banyak. Cara membuat blog bisa dibilang ada yang mudah dan ada juga yang cukup sulit, itu semua bisa dilihat dari dimana kita akan membuat blog. Jika ingin memulai membuat blog yang mudah kita bisa menggunakan jasa blog gratisan, penyedianya cukup banyak, salah satunya adalah Blogger. Bagaimana cara membuat blog di blogger? Tenang saja karena hari ini kami akan memberikan informasi tentang cara membuat blog gratis dan mudah di blogger.

Hal pertama yang harus kita miliki saat membuat blog adalah memiliki akun email dari Gmail, karena gmail dan Blogger saling berkaitan. Setelah kita memiliki atau membuat akun email di Gmail tersebut, kita langsung menuju situs, dan halaman blogger yang kita kunjungi akan tampak seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Setelah itu untuk memudahkan langkah kita selanjutnya dalam cara membuat blog, kita lihat di sisi kanan bawah, dan ubah bahasa menjadi ke bahasa Indonesia. Setelah selesai baru kita masuk dan login untuk mengikuti langkah selanjutnya. Lalu selanjutnya anda akan melihat profil yang anda miliki, kemudian klik Lanjutkan agar bisa masuk membuat blog baru.

Setalah langkah diatas maka akan muncul halaman seperti gambar di bawah ini. Cara membuat blog berlanjut, anda hanya tinggal langsung mengklik Blog Baru.

Kemudian setelah anda mengklik blog baru, maka gambar seperti di bawah ini akan muncul.

Pada gambar di atas anda semua harus mengisi setiap kolom,kolom Judul diisi dengan nama blog yang ingin anda buat, kemudian kolom Alamat diisi untuk mengisi alamat dari blog yang akan anda buat, namun sebelumnya akan di cek ketersediaan dari nama yang akan anda buat. Di kolom Template terdapat banyak gambar template dan anda harus memilihnya satu, lalu terakhir anda hanya tinggal mengklik tombol buat blog. Setelah langkah di atas terselesaikan, maka cara membuat blog baru anda berlanjut dan akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini.

Disana terdapat tulisan "blog anda telah dibuat!" lalu untuk memulai tulisan pertama, anda hanya tinggal mengklik "mulai mengeposkan", dan akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini.

Gambar di atas merupakan tempat menulis untuk tulisan yang akan anda buat sehingga dapat di posting di blog yang anda miliki. Lembar kerjanya hampir menyerupai Ms Word. Setelah anda membuat tulisan anda hanya tinggal mempostingnya, dan mungkin tulisan yang anda buat akan dilihat oleh banyak pengunjung internet.
sumber : 

Resep Cara Membuat Kue Bika Ambon (Medan)

Resep Cara Membuat Kue Bika Ambon (Medan).

Resep Cara Membuat Kue Bika Ambon (Medan). Berikut ini merupakan Resep Cara Membuat Kue Bika Ambon (Medan) yang kami kategorikan ke dalam Label Kue. Silahkan buat para pecinta makanan kue untuk mempraktekan Resep Cara Membuat Kue Bika Ambon (Medan) berikut ini dirumah.

Resep Cara Membuat Kue Bika Ambon (Medan)

Bahan 1 (biang):
  • 100 gram tepung terigu protein sedang.
  • 125 mili liter air.
  • 1 bungkus ragi instan.
Bahan 2 :
  • 300 mili liter santan dari 1 butir kelapa.
  • 1/2 sendok teh kunyit bubuk.
  • 15 lembar daun jeruk, sobek-sobek.
  • 2 batang Serai, memarkan.
  • 2 lembar daun pandan.
  • 1 sendok teh garam.
  • 300 gram gula pasir.
  • 225 gram tepung sagu tani.
  • 25 gram tepung ketan.
  • 7 butir telur.
Cara Membuat Resep Cara Membuat Kue Bika Ambon (Medan) :
  1. Aduk rata bahan biang. Diamkan 15 menit.
  2. Rebus santan, kunyit bubuk, daun jeruk, Serai, daun pandan, garam, dan gula pasir sambil diaduk sampai mendidih. Saring. Ukur 450 ml.
  3. Campur tepung sagu tani, tepung ketan, dan biang. Uleni dengan mixer baling – baling spiral sampai rata.
  4. Tambahkan telur satu persatu sambil diuleni rata menggunakan baling – baling mixer spiral.
  5. Masukkan rebusan santan hangat sedikit-sedikit sambil dikocok perlahan dengan baling - baling mixer telur selama 15 menit. Diamkan 2 jam.
  6. Panaskan cetakan kue lumpur dengan ditambah kelapa parut sampai berminyak. Buang kelapanya dan bersihkan dengan lap bersih.
  7. Panaskan kembali cetakan dengan api besar. Tuang adonan sampai setinggi 3/4 cetakan. Kecilkan api. Biarkan sampai berlubang-lubang. Tutup dan biarkan sampai matan.
  8. sumber :
Langkah2 Cara Menginstall windows 7 Lengkap dengan gambar 

Bagi yang belum pernah menginstall windows 7 ke komputer atau laptop. berikut cara menginstall windows 7 lengkap dengan gambar gambarnya. Langkah2 ini baik dengan menggunakan media DVD ataupun media lain seperti memakai flashdisk adalah sama, baik itu untuk versi 32bit maupun versi 64bit, bagi yang belum punya instalasi windows7 menggunakan media flashdisk silahkan dilihat cara menginstall windows 7 menggunakan flashdisk disini.
Yuk kita mulai!.
Masukkan DVD windows 7 atau colokkan flashdisk windows 7 kita, dan kemudian booting lah memakai media yang telah kita pilih, lalu proses loading file akan dimulai.

Pilih bahasa Anda, waktu & format mata uang, keyboard atau metode input dan klik Next.

Klik Install now

Conteng I accept the license terms dan klik Next.

Klik Upgrade jika Anda sudah mempunyai versi Windows sebelumnya atau Custom (advanced)jika anda tidak memiliki versi Windows sebelumnya atau ingin menginstal salinan baru Windows 7.

(Lewati langkah ini jika Anda memilih Upgrade dan hanya memiliki satu partisi) Pilih drive mana Anda ingin menginstal Windows 7 dan klik Next. Jika Anda ingin membuat partisi, klik opsi Drive options (advanced), buatlah partisi dan kemudian klik Next.

Sekarang akan dimulai menginstal Windows 7. Langkah pertama, (yaitu Windows mulai menyalin file) sudah dilakukan ketika anda booting DVD/fd Windows 7 sehingga akan selesai seketika.

Setelah menyelesaikan langkah pertama, ia akan memperluas (decompress) file yang telah disalin.

Langkah ketiga dan keempat juga akan diselesaikan langsung seperti langkah pertama.

Setelah itu secara otomatis akan restart setelah 15 detik dan melanjutkan setup. Anda juga dapat klik Restart now untuk restart tanpa perlu menunggu.

Setelah restart untuk pertama kalinya, proses setup akan dilanjutkan. Ini adalah langkah terakhir sehingga akan mengambil waktu yang agak lamadaripada langkah sebelumnya.

Sekarang akan otomatis restart lagi dan melanjutkan setup. Anda dapat klik Restart now untuk restart tanpa perlu menunggu.

Ketik nama pengguna yang Anda inginkan dalam kotak-teks dan klik Next. Nama komputer akan otomatis terisi.

Jika Anda ingin mengatur sandi, ketik di kotak teks dan klik Next.

Ketik kunci produk Anda dalam kotak-teks dan klik Next. Anda juga dapat melewatkan langkah ini dan cukup klik Next jika Anda ingin mengetik kunci produk nanti. Windows akan berjalan hanya selama 30 hari jika Anda melakukan ini.

Pilih opsi yang Anda inginkan untuk Windows Update.

Pilih zona waktu dan klik Next.

Jika anda terhubung ke jaringan apapun, ia akan meminta Anda untuk menetapkan lokasi jaringan.

Nah selesai sudah proses penginstallan windows7 baik dengan menggunakan flashdisk maupun DVD.

sumber :